Monday, March 9, 2020

Marvelous Monday Mania

Good Evening Families,

Though we departed with cold weather, we arrived with the sun beating on our backs and excitement brewing inside us. After a quick tour of the campus, the students completed one of two great activities.

Study groups 1-4 went out into the open sea to complete exciting kayak challenges! Many were able to brave the cold water and jump in. While study groups 1-4 enjoyed the sea life, study groups 5-8 ventured into the mountains where an abundance of wild life was seen.

A delicious meal of meatballs, spaghetti, and garlic bread - a student favorite- was enjoyed by all. The students got a nice surprise of chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

During our evening program, the students learned about how different creatures adapt to living in the depths of the ocean or about the vast variety of marine mammals that exist in the wild. Students who participated in the Creatures of the Night activity were able to complete a long division activity that they can tell you about when they get home.

After a long day, the students are all safely in bed, warm and thinking about the adventures that await them tomorrow.

We appreciate all your patience with the slow internet, but just know that all the time we spent away from the blog is spent making this week memorable for all.

Boy Oh Boy did we have a great day! (Ask your kids about the Boy Oh Boy).

Sixth Grade Teachers


  1. Appreciate the updates. Thanks so much.. hope you all enjoy..

  2. Glad you all had sunshine on day1. Thanks for the update. Sounds fun!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to receive more updates / pics from your end 😊
